
Ok, so I caved.

I've been a blog "stalker" for a few months now, but I figured with a new baby (!!!) it was time to start my own blog. Also, there are quite a few of Reese's admirers who are near and far and have a strong need to see this baby on a daily basis!

Who am I to deprive them of this precious face:

You don't mess with people's need to see a newborn! Especially if that newborn is your grandchild, niece, etc...

Now that Reese has surpassed 5 pounds (yay!) preemie clothes and diapers are starting to fit better. Losing the umbilical cord helps as well. Thank goodness that fell off...that was very annoying! Her first dunk in the tub will be taking place within the next day or two and will (of course) be captured on film!!

Also, check back soon for the weekly "rabbit" shot. Here is last week's pic:

That's all for now...future posts will be much more exciting...especially when I figure out how this whole blogger thing works!!

1 comment:

  1. YAH! I am so excited you started a blog. i will add it to my googlereader! i love seeing all the pictures of Reese and love your blog name! cute cute!
    I have been meaning to go to the post office for weeks now to send you (and Reese) some things. I promise to go this week. Sorry i have procrastinated!
