
Christmas 2010!

This post will be mostly pictures and very little words.  I can't say there are very many pictures either, but I want to share the ones we have!

We started Christmas Eve with Brandon's family.  We had appetizers and some traditional Christmas food too!  Reese had been feeling better earlier in the day, but started breaking down around dinner time, so we didn't get any pictures other than gift opening.

 She got this adorable Mickey Mouse ride-on car and she loves it!  She's been loving some Mickey Mouse recently, so her Nana and Paw knew she would love this car!

She also got some new beach/garden tools!

 And some new shoes!

The next morning, we got up and drove to Montgomery to spend Christmas with my family.

This is apparently the only picture I have of her looking at the camera.  Oh well!

She couldn't wait to rip into her presents from Babs and T!

 Her big present: A crazy coupe!
Apparently, the coupe is way too exciting and we lost our shirt.

 It took her a minute to get the hang of it and let's be honest, her favorite part is opening and closing the doors and getting in and out!

 Tiny Toms.  I die.

 Later that night, she looked so cute for Christmas dinner!

And, that would be the end of Christmas pictures!

We did spend the next day with B's family down in Brundidge, but I don't think the camera got taken out of the bag the whole time!  Our little Peanut did rack up with a baby doll, a table and chairs, a piano, some mega blocks, and some other things!

We did have lots of fun spending time with family!  Reese wasn't 100% back to normal, but she was pretty good, considering!

This whole week has been much more relaxing than last week!  We have played with our new toys and caught up on some shows that B and I have gotten into.  Only 2 more days until I am back to work!  These 2 weeks have flown by!

What comes next?  Oh just a new little member of the family that I have done ZERO preparation for!
I do have a new diaper bag and {thanks to an adorable little nephew} some clothes!  That counts, right?


'Twas the week before Christmas...

...and strep throat did strike!!!

{do you see those pitiful eyes??}

Yes.  Round 3 of strep and {of course} this was the worst one yet.  Having a sick, feverish, non-sleeping baby is absolutely no fun.  I am glad I was off last week to cuddle and watch Mickey Mouse and force medicine down Reese's throat.

Her diet from Tuesday through Saturday consisted of yogurt and applesauce.  Some days she only had 1 of those things A DAY.  Her poor little throat was so sore that she just couldn't eat anything!

As much as I hated for her to be sick, especially at Christmas time, it was such a nice slow down from the normal hustle and bustle during those few days before Christmas.  We sat on the couch or laid in the bed and watched TV and took naps and wiped tired tears.

It also made me reflect on how blessed we are that Reese is healthy.  I thought of the parents who spend their Christmases in hospitals with babies who have illnesses much worse than strep throat and my heart aches for them.  

Even though I would have given anything to have had Reese 100% healthy those days leading up to Christmas, I'm thankful for the time we spent together.  I'm thankful for the chance to reflect on the real reason we even celebrate Christmas.  I'm thankful for the reminder that it's not about the gifts or making sure presents are wrapped just so.  It's about spending time with family making memories and carrying on traditions.  But most of all, it's about that little tiny baby who changed the world; who heals all sicknesses and comforts all those who are in despair.

I did manage to take some pics of our many Christmas celebrations...I will update in the next few days.


Daddy/Daughter Day!

While I was out finishing the last of the Christmas shopping {which, thank goodness...because I swear this boy growing inside me HATES when I shop.  Braxton Hicks all.day.long.  But no more than 4 an hour...not to worry MOM :)} B and Reesie had a fun afternoon together. 

On the agenda?

First...finger {aka BODY} painting:

Can I say that her daddy was very wise to do this while I wasn't home?? :)

2nd on the agenda?
As if you have to ask following that activity...BATH TIME!!

I'm not at all biased, but she's pretty darn adorable! 
Also?  B is a pretty good photog!

Last but not least, Peanutty and Daddy played dress up!

She loves to "dress" herself, soooo she's got her jammies on with a dress around her neck and her toboggan on her head.  In her mouth?  Daddy says it's lettuce.  Weird.

And when I returned?  
The following conversation occured:
Reese: Mommy home!
Me: Hey Reesie
R: Mommy, coke {coat} off
R: Mommy, go potty
R: Mommy, come here
R: Mommy, hug

It's good to be home.


It's true!

They do make cute things for boys!!

Everyone tells me that they don't have nearly the amount of boy things as girls, and while that may be true, there are some adorable little boy things too!

 If this wasn't that other team's mascot....how adorable!!!

I wouldn't mind seeing Jack in any of those cute things!!

All cute clothes from GAP, Old Navy, Gymboree, and Carters


The things she says and does...

So I don't forget...

- She calls the Christmas tree a "Chris" tree.  I admit, Christmas is a very hard word to say!
- She can point out where all of "her" ornaments are on the tree {aka, the ones we've allowed to be on her level} and can remember exactly where each of them are!
- "I hear amblance" whenever she hears sirens.
- "I hear airpane" whenever she hears an airplane.  She says "I see airpane" when she actually sees one.
- Whenever she sees letters or writing on anything {menu, newspaper, etc}, she says "ABCDs" instead of "ABCs".  I bet that "D" is happy to have some recognition.

- She can say her complete ABCDs and count 1 to 10.
- She can pick out the letters in her name.  She forgets a few of the Es {she has 3 of them in her name} and spells her name "RES"
- She calls the bathtub a "tubtub"
- Miss Independent is attempting to dress herself.  We've worn a few dresses as pants.  She'll put her legs in the armholes.
- She calls her coat a "coke"
- "PEEEEEEEEEEEASE" and "MOOOORE" are becoming more frequent requests.

- "I do it." I did mention Miss Independent, no?
- She can't pronounce the L in anything, so any word that has an L in it is pronounced with a W instead.  Example: "cowor" instead of color.
- Speaking of "cowor", she loves to.  Yesterday, she told me she "cowor gween fower Emma." Translation "color green flower {with} Emma."
- "Barney comin" when she's waiting on the dvd player to start in the car.
- "Barney sweepin" when I've had enough of Barney in the car and tell her he's sleeping.
- She speaks in 3rd person all.the.time. "Reese do it", "Reese hode it", "Reese cowor", "Reese potty", "Reese pitty {pretty}", "Reese coke {coat} on/off", "Reese buckle"

- She takes her shoes and socks off every time we are in the car.  It's not annoying at all.
- She can say every person she knows and who they go with.  For example, "Cott, Catcat and Noah" are all mentioned together.  "Jojo and Bawisswa {Melissa}", "Ianne {Diane}, Tewwy {Terry}, Reid, and Buddy" are all mentioned together. Diane is Reese's babysitter {but really more like a 2nd mom/grandmother} and Reese knows everyone in the Riley household!  She names all the dogs that are at her Nana and Paw's house too!
- Apparently Catcat's sister "Sawah" {Sarah} really made an impression on Reese because we talk about her a lot.  Last night we were in Target and she saw this huge display and she thought one of the girls looked like Sawah so she started calling her name.
- She pronounces the word bicycle "bi-kick-le". I love it.
- She says "hot bot" for "how about".  For example, when she's standing in a chair {and not supposed to} and I tell her to sit down, she says "hot bot Reese stand."  This means, how about I don't sit down and continue doing what I want to do.  

- She loves to wear "kigtails" {pigtails}
- She can say all of her colors, but if you ask her to identify a color, it's almost always "green."
- She is almost speaking in full sentences: "Reese hands cold" or "Daddy be riiiiiiiiiiiiight back"...makes her seem so mature!
- She says things are "pitty" {pretty}, "bewful" {beautiful}, and "tuuuuuuute" {cute}...what a girly girl!
-  She has just started doing imaginitive play with dolls, stuffed animals, etc.  She wants her Tigger to eat dinner with her and she likes to put her baby doll "night night."

I decided that if I don't start writing some of these things down, once I have 2 kiddos I might not remember as much!!!


Christmas cards!

Let's be honest...taking a decent pic of a squirmy, wormy, easily distracted 19-month-old is HARD.  
Taking a pic that is Christmas card worthy??  Almost impossible.
This could be why I haven't even attempted!

Once I do capture the perfect image, I have found the most adorable cards to choose from on Shutterfly!

Seriously, how will I ever choose??
Also, how adorable is that little boy in the first card?  I've always loved beach picture Christmas cards and that would be a perfect card for that!

I really love the quality of Shutterfly products.  I've never ordered their Christmas cards but I did order the wall calendars for some Reese-loving grandmothers last year!

They not only have great Christmas cards, but I have already bookmarked the birthday card invites!  A certain little girl is turning 2 {gulp} in 4 short months {double gulp} and I'll have a newborn baby, so I might as well start looking!

Any other bloggers looking for some great Christmas cards?  Check out the awesome deal Shutterfly has going on just for bloggers!

Also?  Even if Shutterfly did not have the promotion going on, I still would choose their cards!  If you take a look at their website and see all they have to choose from, you would see why!!

So, this week I will be braving the elements and the 19-month-old squirmies and capturing the PERFECT picture!


Can't beat it.

Monday afternoon.  No work.  For mommy or daddy.  Airport picnic.  Pigtails.  

{Bangs have been trimmed since the taking of these pics.}
{That was for you, Joel.}